November 15, 2022 Bailey Strobel

A white baby crib with an elephant toy and a cloud lamp above it.


How Your Family Can Benefit from a Small Addition of a Nursery


If you plan to expand your family or already have kids, congratulations! The joy our little ones bring to the world is truly one-of-a-kind. That being said, having children does require some planning. You need to arrange your finances differently, make arrangements for preschool and school, and so on. One crucial thing your children will need is also space to play and grow. Adding a nursery to your home is a great way to provide them with that. We know that it may not be straightforward, as it does require some money and an extra room, but it’s completely worth it. Here’s a list of why we believe your family can benefit from a small addition of a nursery.

Improving the quality of your sleep

When you have a new baby in the family, it’s natural to want to spend as much time as possible with them. This is why many parents choose to put the crib in their own bedroom. It’s also very convenient, as you can easily reach your child if you need to. However, there are a few downsides to that.


You are probably prepared to lose some sleep when you have a baby, and it’s completely normal. Still, having your infant sleep in the same bedroom as you can increase the frequency you wake up. Furthermore, you’ll have to be careful not to make noises in the bedroom when the baby is asleep, and you aren’t.

However, the addition of a nursery can help you get well-rested, allowing you to care for your baby better. You can hire a team of professionals to help you with the renovations. After that, add a baby monitor to your bedroom and the nursery, and you’re all set!

Your baby will also sleep better

Different studies have shown that babies that sleep in the nursery instead of their parent’s room sleep for longer consecutive periods of time. There are many factors to this. They get used to the routine and the peace while sleeping. Also, as weird as it may sound, babies can smell their mothers. If they can feel their mother’s presence, they are more likely to ask for her and interrupt the sleep cycle. Your baby will learn to soothe themselves back to sleep if they wake up for no reason. This is very important for sleep training, and the sooner you start, the better!


A well-rested baby is a happy baby.

Decreasing the clutter

Babies need a tremendous amount of stuff. A crib, a feeding chair, a changing table, and a whole bunch of toys are only some of them. This can make quite a mess in your home, and let’s face it; you probably won’t have time to go around cleaning all day. Making an addition to your house in the form of a nursery can help with all that.


Having a nursery gives you a place to store everything baby-related. When ordering furniture, consider getting some extra storage to decrease clutter. You will need space for diapers, toys, baby clothes, and everything. So, it will be very useful later, whether it’s shelves, boxes, or cupboards. To make the process less stressful, get your nursery furniture on time and get help to set it up efficiently. This way, you won’t have to wonder if you’ll have the time to set up a nursery.

Making an addition of a nursery to your house can help you reduce clutter in your home.


Encouraging your children’s independence

Babies learn from the day they’re born. Even though it may not seem like it, they pick up on behavioral patterns which reflect in some way later on. Developing independence is no exception to this. Putting away a part of your budget for a nursery can help here. Getting your children used to sleeping in a separate room from the early days is beneficial in multiple ways.


Many kids have a hard time when they get too old to sleep in their parent’s bedrooms. They may feel unsafe spending the night in the room alone, especially if they’re an only child. This is not the end of the world, as they’ll grow out of it eventually. However, you can avoid it by letting them sleep in a nursery from day one. This way, they’ll already be used to it, and it’s hardly ever going to be a problem.


Of course, you want to make sure your child wants to spend time in their room. You can get a professional designer to help make the nursery child-friendly. They have enough experience to know what type of interiors children like and feel comfortable in. Also, if your child’s a bit older, you can include them in the even better process.

 Allowing a child to sleep on their own can help them be more independent later on.

It doesn’t have to be a nursery forever

A room you’ve added to your house doesn’t have to serve that one specific purpose forever. A space that’s now a nursery will become a children’s room later. However, it can also be so many different things.


When your kids get older, you may want to change it into a home office or an art studio. And you know what? You’ll have extra room for that! It’s always better to have a little extra space than to have less than you need. We’re sure you’ll have some great ideas for using it.


Like everything else, there are different opinions on whether the addition of a nursery is necessary. Some parents prefer keeping the child close to them during all times of day (and night). While that’s fair reasoning, we believe there are many benefits to setting up a nursery. Some are purely aesthetic, such as reducing the amount of stuff you have lying around your home. For example, improving the quality of your and your baby’s sleep will significantly affect the quality of your life. Either way, the decision is yours. The best thing you can do is get informed to make the best one for you and your family.