Castle Building and Remodeling has been supporting Wayside Recovery Center for years. Wayside Recovery Center began in 1954 as the vision of community leader Sarah Mary “Sally” DeVay. Wayside initially focused on providing shelter and support for women who were homeless.
In 1963, Wayside shifted its focus and began to provide substance abuse treatment for women. In the 1970s, their mission further expanded to treat mental health care needs for the many women who had co-occurring (substance abuse and mental health) problems. Since opening their doors, they have helped more than 30,000 women and their 6,000 children have benefited from our services.
We’ve recently made a $5,000 donation in effort to support their services through the pandemic and are ready to do more. Many organizations are facing a severe lack of donations, whether it be funds or materials, due to the pandemic. While the hardships are not lost on anyone, we find it important to continuously support these small organizations within our community.
Castle is going to collect donated items for Wayside Recover Center at our Headquarters and Warehouse. We will have a box set up in the doorway where you can drop items off. If you prefer to mail the items to us, you can place the attention to our Warehouse Manager, Chad Hanson. You can drop off your items on weekdays from April 26 – May 14 between the hours of 8 am – 2pm.
Items Wayside Recover Center is currently in need of:
- Women’s Bra’s (specifically larger sizes and sports bras)
- Underwear (especially bigger sizes)
- Watercolor paper for art projects
- Fabric for tie blankets
- Graphic Art Paper
- Crafting kits
- Art supplies (including but not limited to: popsicle sticks, glue sticks, hot glue guns, canning jars, new paint brushes, friendship string for bracelets, hemp string for macrame, stuff for dream catchers, and paint)
If you feel compelled to donate, please bring your donations to 2710 E 33rd Street, Minneapolis 55406.
You can drop off your items on weekdays from April 26 – May 7 between the hours of 9 am – 3pm.
Questions about making a donation? Contact Hannah Husemann, Marketing Manager Questions about dropping off a donation? Contact Chad Hanson, Warehouse Manager