May 26, 2022 castlebri

It’s a new month, which means a new Employee Spotlight! This month we are featuring Tambra Heine. Officially, she is known as the CFO and Integrator, but around the office Tambra is recognized as the Queen of our Castle.

Tambra has been in the accounting world for over 25 years, where she has worked mostly for small businesses and nonprofits. She graduated with a Bachelors in Business (Accounting emphasis) and later went back to become a Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional. “But I try to make a profit,” Tambra jumps in, as she laughs at her own joke.

Tambra came to Castle because she has always had an interest in architecture, design and remodeling. She also likes cost accounting, which she gets to work on as a Castle Office Manager. She was attracted to Castle specifically because of the information we have on our website. “I like that Castle offers education classes and is such a resource for homeowners, instead of just talking about how great they are. I like Castle’s business model and I’m confident they’re a stable business- I wanted to be a part of that!”

When asked, what did you do before joining the Castle family, Tambra replied saying, “I wanted to get into construction. There is a hedgehog model that asks what are you passionate about, what are you best in the world at? How do you get this to drive your resource engine.” She capitalized on that and worked for a flooring contractor for two years before officially joining our crew.

Our marketing team sat down with Tambra to get to know her a little more, here’s what she had to say:

What are three fun facts about you?

  1. I have done backup performing in drag shows at the Gay 90’s.
  2. In 1983, I left college in TN after one year and moved to the Twin Cities on a Greyhound bus with one friend and one suitcase.
  3. I spent four years as the volunteer costume director for North Saint Paul High School.


Why did you choose this profession?

I always wanted to be a businesswoman; whatever that was. I always dressed as a businesswoman and had a little brief case when I played dress up. Never considered anything else.


Can you share an industry related piece of advice for those who want to work in finance?
  1. Always know your numbers. You can’t make sound financial decisions without knowing exactly what is coming in and what is going out. This is true in my personal life too. I stick to a hard budget and record every transaction. I’m that person.
  2. If your account is off by a multiple of 9, it’s a transposition error.


What inspires and / or motivates you?

I like to experience new things and new people. Whether it’s a vacation to a new spot or volunteering with a new organization. I’m inspired by all types of people.


What is the best advice you have received?
  1. Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a kind heart that listens.
  2. I live by this one, so I wanted to mention it. BEFORE YOU SPEAK, ASK YOURSELF, IS IT KIND, IS IT TRUE, IS IT NECESSARY?


Can you share your favorite quote?
Don’t give the Devil a ride. If you give the Devil and ride, he’s gonna wanna drive
Grandma Stella
Do you have a favorite spot or place to go in the Twin Cities / surrounding area?
There are too many places to mention. I guess my favorite is downtown Minneapolis during the holidays. It’s not the same without the Hollydazzle parade and the Macy’s display, but I’ve replaced that with carriage rides across the Stone Arch Bridge.
When you’re not working, what do you do to unwind?
Not much. If I unwind much more, I’ll be going in reverse.
Next month, meet Senior Estimator Amy Hinck.