Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

Eco-Friendly Home Improvements That Make a Difference

A Sunny living room.

As our society becomes more conscious of our impact on the environment, eco-friendly home improvements have become an increasingly popular trend. Not only do these home improvements benefit the environment, but they can also save your funds on utility costs in the years to come. From installing solar panels to composting food waste, there are many options for homeowners looking to make their homes more sustainable. This article will explore six eco-friendly home improvements that will help you lower your carbon footprint and make your house more sustainable.

#1 Set up Solar Energy System

Installing solar panels is one of the most effective ways to environmentally friendly your home. Solar panels generate electricity from the sun, reducing your dependence on fossil fuels and consequently lowering your carbon footprint.

While the initial installation cost can be high, the long-term benefits are substantial. Solar panels can generate electricity for over 25 years, making them an excellent long-term energy-efficient investment. The cost of solar panels has dropped significantly in recent years, making them more accessible to the general public. Furthermore, by generating your own electricity, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and save on energy bills in the long run.

Installing solar panels is one of the best methods to make your home more eco-friendly.


A man installing solar panels.


#2 Switch to LED Lighting

The majority of homes use a large amount of energy for lighting. Therefore, a small eco-friendly home change that can have a significant impact is switching to LED lights. Compared to incandescent bulbs, LED lights are more energy-efficient and have a 20-fold longer lifespan. They can significantly reduce the amount of energy used in your home because they are more affordable and energy-efficient options.

In addition to being eco-friendly, LED lighting has a lot of other advantages. They don’t contain mercury or other hazardous chemicals and release less UV radiation. In addition, various color temperatures are available, letting you personalize your home’s lighting to your tastes while minimizing your environmental effect.

#3 Invest in New Windows

Old windows can be a significant source of energy loss, allowing heat to flow out during the winter and pass through during the summer. Improve the general comfort of your home by switching to energy-efficient windows. This can also assist in minimizing energy loss and heating and cooling expenditures. Additionally, they can lessen outside noise while improving indoor air quality.

Energy-efficient windows come in an assortment of varieties, including double-, triple-, and gas-filled windows. The most typical type of window has two panes of glass divided by an insulating layer of air or gas. With a third layer of glass, triple-pane windows offer even greater insulation. Gasses like argon or krypton, which are more effective insulators than air, are used to fill gas-filled windows.

To make your home more eco-friendly, invest in new energy-efficient windows.

Glass walls of the dining room.

#4 Install a Tankless Water Heater

Another way to reduce your environmental impact and make your home more sustainable is by installing a tankless water heater. Unlike traditional water heaters, which store hot water in a tank, tankless water heaters heat water on demand, providing hot water whenever you need it without wasting energy. They don’t waste energy continuously heating a large water tank, as traditional water heaters do. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, tankless water heaters can be up to 34% more energy-efficient than conventional water heaters.

Tankless water heaters outlast conventional water heaters in terms of lifespan in addition to the energy economy. In contrast to traditional water heaters’ 10-15 year lifespan, they can endure up to 20 years.

#5 Sit Green

Out with the old, in with the new! Upgrading your furniture can be a fun and exciting experience, especially when you know you’re positively impacting the environment. With so many sustainable and eco-friendly furniture options available, you can transform your living space and create a more stylish and sustainable home. Even though you may need expert help to pack and replace your old furniture, you’ll enjoy your new furniture for years to come, knowing that it was built to last and won’t contribute to landfill waste.

Sustainable furniture is designed to last longer than traditional furniture and can be repurposed or recycled at the end of its life. It can be made from various materials, including bamboo, cork, reclaimed wood, recycled plastic, and metal. These materials are renewable, biodegradable, and/or recycled, which means they won’t contribute to landfills at the end of their life. In addition, sustainable furniture manufacturers often use low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) finishes and adhesives, which reduces indoor air pollution and ensures that the furniture is safe for use in your home.

#6 Get Rooted in Sustainability

Planting trees can be a fun and rewarding experience, and it will not just improve your home. Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change and promote overall environmental sustainability. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air, providing shade and cooling. In fact, a single mature tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, making it an essential tool in mitigating the effects of climate change. In addition to their environmental benefits, trees also provide a range of social and economic benefits. They can improve air quality, reduce energy costs by providing shade and insulation. Trees also provide habitats for wildlife and can help prevent soil erosion and water pollution.

Trees produce shade and provide cooling by absorbing carbon dioxide and other air pollutants.

Person holding a green plant.

Final Thoughts

Making eco-friendly home improvements is good for the environment and can benefit your health and well-being. You may lower your carbon footprint by implementing sustainable activities and materials into your house. In the long run, this can also save you funds.

Remember, no matter how small, every action can make a difference in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. So why not start making eco-friendly home improvements today and join the movement towards a more sustainable and healthier world?

14 Ways to Make Your Home

14 Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable For Earth Day

As the world approaches another Earth Day, people everywhere are looking for ways to live more sustainably. Despite recent global efforts to slow global warming, 2021 was one of the six hottest years since 1800 and greenhouse gases on the Earth’s surface are higher than ever.

Instead of relying on governments and big businesses to make changes, individuals need to change their habits and reduce their footprint, starting at home. Whether you’re building a new home or adapting a preexisting one, you’ll find something on this list to reduce your impact on the planet.

1. Install Low Flow Fixtures

Upgrading your plumbing fixtures to low-flow models can save you serious cash and drastically reduce water consumption. Swapping out your toilet alone can save the average household 13,000 gallons of water annually. Less expensive upgrades like low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators can also help you reach your goals.

2. Invest in Energy Star Appliances

Modern conveniences like refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters save you valuable time and improve your quality of life, but they hurt the environment. Replacing these items with Energy Star alternatives will add up to significant energy savings, making them a more sustainable choice while reducing your bills.

3. Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

It’s time to consider switching your lightbulbs to something more energy efficient. Traditional incandescent lights use up to 90% of their energy as heat, which is wasteful and potentially dangerous. On the other hand, LEDs put off very little warmth. Plus, they last around 30 times longer than your average bulb, keeping more harmful materials out of landfills.

4. Hook up a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat is a handy tool that can save money and help lower your negative impact on the planet. They have many helpful functions, like an app to control your heating and cooling from anywhere.

It can also learn your patterns and adjust the temperature to give you the best experience. Some even keep track of the weather and change setting accordingly. At any time, you can access your home’s energy use for heating and cooling and get recommendations for how to save money and energy moving forward.

5. Turn Off the Lights

This tip is completely free but will substantially impact your energy use. All you have to do is remember to turn off the lights whenever you leave a room. Work with your whole household to make this a habit. You can even invest in smart bulbs so you can turn them off remotely in case you forget.

6. Repair Existing Damage

When your home needs repairs, it can bleed energy, costing you money and causing a negative environmental impact. Leaky plumbing influences your water use and can cause severe damage. You should also check for higher-than-normal energy bills since these could indicate roof damage or inadequate insulation.

7. Take Shorter Showers

Another easy and free habit is to change your bathing habits. A quick shower with a low-flow shower head is more water efficient than taking a bath. Make the most of each wash-up by turning the heat down a bit and seeing how much you can shorten your time. You can also turn the water off while you lather to save more.

8. Start Composting

A staggering 28% of waste in landfills could have been composted, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions instead of helping new things grow. Starting a compost bin at your home is easy to set up and relatively inexpensive. You can save all your table scraps and put them to good use.

9. Grow Your Food

Another great way to make your home more sustainable is to grow your own food. It will take work and some startup costs, but it can save you money in the long run. You don’t have to go completely off the grid and support yourself entirely, but even small steps can reduce the carbon footprint of transporting groceries to your store and then to your house.

10. Optimize Your Windows

Older homes often contain single-pane windows, allowing your heated or cool air to escape fairly easily. Your HVAC then has to work even harder to keep your house at the right temperature. Instead of throwing money out the window and wasting energy, replace old frames with more effective double-paned models.

11. Install Solar Panels

Most energy-saving tips help you reduce your consumption, but this one will let you create your own. Installing solar panels is a costly upgrade, sitting between $15,000 and $25,000, depending on your location. However, if you live in an area with good sunlight year round, you can drastically reduce your energy bills and even sell your excess to the local utility companies.

12. Get Curtains

Improve the style of your home and reduce your energy consumption in one fell swoop by installing curtains. This tip is especially effective if your windows are a bit drafty, but you can’t afford to replace them yet. Adding curtains can reduce heat loss by one-third in these situations. You can also minimize the sun’s heating effects during warm months by closing curtains on the most affected side of your house.

13. Install a Grey Water System

Most people don’t think twice about the water that leaves their tub, dishwasher or washing machine — yet they’re the biggest water consumers in homes. Give the leftovers a second life by collecting this grey water and repurposing it around your house. Simple collection systems are suitable for watering non-edible plants. However, if you want to use the water in your garden or home, you must remove bacteria and other contaminants with a filtration system.

14. Wash With Cold Water

Did you know 90% of your washing machine’s energy comes from water heating? Reduce the load on your clothes, wallet and the environment by laundering in cold water instead. New models can clean effectively without turning up the heat. Plus, the water doesn’t get warm enough to kill germs unless you run a sanitizing cycle.

Replace Only What You Need

Looking over this long list of sustainable swaps, additions and habits can feel inspiring. You may feel tempted to dive right in and begin making these changes.


However, a word of caution — only replace what absolutely needs it. Yes, new efficient appliances can save you money in the long run and drastically reduce your energy use, but if your old one still worked fine, you’ll be adding to the waste in landfills for no reason. You can’t undo the purchases you’ve already made. Use what you have for now and make more sustainable choices moving forward.

Maximize Storage

Maximizing Storage in a Small Kitchen Remodel


Space management is a significant concern when updating a small kitchen. Practical storage solutions may help maximize current space by boosting its usability and organization, which is especially helpful when space is scarce. Using vertical space and adding multi-functional furniture are just two creative ways we’ll explore here to maximize storage in a small kitchen remodel.

Assessing Your Kitchen Storage Needs

Some consider the kitchen the most important part of their home. And designing it can be self-founding for some people. It can be that for you too! That way, it can be the dream kitchen that you always wanted. But there are still some aspects you should consider. These are important not for the looks but for the usability of your kitchen. Consider your storage needs before you start remodeling your kitchen. Take into account the following questions:


  • Is there enough storage space in your cabinets and countertops, or do you need more?
  • Is there enough cabinet space for all of your cookware?
  • Do you have a pantry? Is there enough space to keep dry groceries and other foodstuffs in there?
  • Do you have adequate storage for things like cleaning supplies and other housewares?
  • Do you have any unused or disorganized areas in your kitchen?


The first step in finding the greatest kitchen storage solutions is figuring out how much space you have to work with.

 Know how much storage you will need in the kitchen.


Utilizing Vertical Space

Storage in a small kitchen can be maximized through vertical space. Installing cupboards and shelves up to the ceiling is a great way to increase storage without wasting valuable floor space. When redesigning your kitchen, consider installing floor-to-ceiling cabinets with adjustable shelves to accommodate items of varied sizes. With so much room, you won’t have to worry about where to put your dishes, pots, and pans.


Display and store frequently used items on open shelves above your counters, including plates and glasses. You can also take advantage of vertical space by installing a pot rack or a hanging organizer. As a bonus, this will free up valuable storage space in your kitchen cabinets.

And in case you already have kitchen cabinets you would like to use, transport the cabinets carefully. When you start to pack up your kitchen, be sure to pack the cabinets carefully. They are prone to getting or scratched in transport, and no one wants a scratched-up cabinet in their new kitchen.

Incorporating Multi-Functional Furniture

Another great way to maximize storage in a small kitchen remodel is to use multi-functional furniture. This can be the key to renovation in small spaces. Your kitchen can have more than enough space if you utilize the available space smartly. Multi-functional furniture can help a lot in this case. But if you aren’t sure about your capabilities, call a professional to help make the design and help you choose the furniture. Some commonplace examples include kitchen islands that also function as storage, chairs that double as storage compartments, and tables that incorporate storage options like drawers or cabinets.


A kitchen island, for instance, can serve as an extra work area, storage, and seating. Find an island with space for dishes, utensils, and other cooking essentials in its drawers, cabinets, or open shelves. If your eat-in kitchen is on the smaller side, consider getting a table with storage space built right in. Drawers should be on the sides, and shelves or cabinets underneath the surface.

Multi-functional furniture will help make storage in a small kitchen remodel.


Maximizing Cabinet Space

In order to make the most of a limited amount of space during a kitchen remodel, it is necessary to make the most of the available cabinetry. Make better use of your cabinetry by installing pull-out shelves or drawers. These can be retrofitted into older cabinets or built from the ground up as part of a custom storage solution.


To make the most of available storage space in your cabinets, consider adding a lazy susan. With this swiveling shelf, you can get to the back of the cabinet without moving anything up front. Organizers for your cabinets are another option for making the most of your storage space. Such accessories include pull-out trays, spice racks, and tray dividers.

Creating Additional Storage Space

A small kitchen remodel can include extra storage space in addition to making better use of existing storage options. Putting in a pantry is one way to accomplish this goal. Put in some tall cabinets or shelves in a kitchen corner if you don’t have a pantry. You’ll have plenty of space for cereal boxes, canned goods, and other pantry staples.


Create more room by making use of the area above your cabinets. Baskets, pretty containers, or rarely used kitchen appliances are good candidates for this often-overlooked space. A folding table may be a good option in a small kitchen when counter space is limited. This may be folded down to save space when not in use but pulled out for more counter space.


Lastly, don’t forget about the space behind your sink. You can use this area to keep your cleaning products and other household items safe. Install a pull-out shelf or storage organizer to maximize the available space. Many people see renovation as the key to securing your dream home. So don’t be discouraged and try renovating.

 It’s important to create more storage space after the remodel.


In order to create a functional and well-organized little kitchen, it is essential to make the most of the available storage space. Utilizing vertical space, incorporating multi-functional furniture, making the most of cabinet space, and creating extra storage space are all ways to make the most out of a small kitchen.


Consider what you need in your storage in a small kitchen remodel and what kinds of storage solutions would be optimal for your kitchen when planning a remodel. A well-planned kitchen may be beautiful and functional, making the most of the space.

Designing your home

Designing Your Home to Be Self-Funding

Want to make money off your house?  From renting out space on Airbnb to starting a garden and farming livestock, homeowners can creatively renovate their homes to make them income-generating machines. Whether it’s making extra cash through passive income streams or leveraging existing assets, discover how easy it is to make money with your house.

Renting Out Your Home


Renting out your house is a timeless real estate investment. If you’re looking to supplement your income or reduce the costs of home ownership, renting out all or part of your residence is a viable option.

Adding a legal rental suite to your home or turning it into a duplex are excellent ways to generate extra income. Before deciding to create a rental suite, looking into local ordinances and zoning laws that could affect the kind of space you can legally rent is essential. It’s also important to check similar accommodations in the area so that you know how much rent you should charge and what amenities are expected by renters in the area.  In addition to adding a rental suite, homeowners can try converting out other areas of their property, such as garages or sheds. 

Short-Term Rentals For Long-Term Income

Not into the idea of being a full-time landlord? No problem. Short-term rentals can provide just as much revenue with a fraction of the time commitment. If you only want to rent out your house for a few days a year, you can simply remove your valuable personal belongings and vacate while guests are present.

However, you may also choose to remain in the home while renting it out to vacationers. If you want to protect your comfort and your guest’s privacy, adding an additional floor to your home or turning your attic into a living space could be a good idea. This way, you and your guests can have separate living spaces, entrances, and bedrooms.

Start a Garden & Grow Your Income


Starting a low-maintenance garden at home can provide homeowners with fresh and healthy produce and also be a great way to earn a little extra money. For starters, growing your own produce can significantly reduce your grocery bill and save money in the long run. You can then put those savings into other investments.

If you have surplus produce, you can sell it at a local farmer’s market, through community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, or directly to neighbors or friends.

Here are some tips for homeowners who want to make money from their home garden:

  • Plan your garden: Before planting your garden, learn the types of produce that grow best in your region and choose crops that have high demand within your community.
  • Maximize your space: Make the most of your garden space by using vertical gardening techniques, companion planting, and intercropping.
  • Market your produce: Advertise your products through social media, local community groups, and farmers’ markets. Consider starting a blog or website to showcase your produce and share gardening tips.
  • Offer value-added products: Consider creating value-added products such as jams, pickles, and sauces using your garden produce to increase your revenue streams.
  • Maintain quality: Ensure that your produce is of high quality and is free from pesticides and chemicals. Provide excellent customer service to build a loyal customer base.

In addition to adding income to your annual budget, having a backyard garden is a great outdoor home renovation that increases your property values and entices home shoppers if you’re looking to sell.

Chickens & Goats Make Dollars & Cents

Raising chickens or goats can be an excellent way to make extra money. Commonly known as “urban farming,” raising livestock in cities has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Chickens provided highly desirable eggs that can be sold to restaurants, farmers’ markets, and neighbors. The same goes for goat milk and even baby chicks!

As with any other home business venture, there are local laws and regulations that you need to consider when starting your own urban farm. Some cities and towns have restrictions on the number of goats you can keep, types of shelters you can use, and even the distance between your goat shelter and neighboring properties. Make sure to work with a reputable contractor to ensure you’re designing a legally compliant space for your livestock to live.


Your home can pay for itself if you’re willing to get creative! It’s feasible to monetize one’s home without investing a lot of effort or resources just by being imaginative and getting the right home renovations. Take control of your finances and maximize the value of your home by learning how to make money with it.


Choose the Right Materials

How to Choose the Right Materials for Your Bathroom Remodel

Choosing the right materials is crucial to any renovation project, and bathroom remodeling is no exception. Your bathroom’s aesthetic value, longevity, and practicality could all be enhanced by using high-quality materials. Yet, choosing suitable materials among the many available options may be challenging. In this article, we’ll discuss choosing the best materials for your bathroom to remodel, including the most important factors to consider, the most common materials, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Factors to Consider when Choosing materials for your bathroom remodel

Picking the right materials for your bathroom remodel could be challenging. Due to the abundance of choices, much deliberation is required before committing. Consider your finances, the longevity of the materials, the frequency of necessary repairs, and the bathroom’s overall aesthetic. You also need to consider the factors when hiring contractors for remodeling. The materials are not the only thing you must consider, so be careful.

Budget Considerations

Setting a budget is the first step in any home improvement project. If you know how much money you must spend, you can narrow your options and decide which materials are most important. Reduce the work you can do or switch to less expensive products if money is limited.

Be sure to factor in all expenses that will arise during the renovation project when making your budget. That includes materials, labor, and all other costs, such as licenses and checks. You should also set aside money if unexpected expenses arise while working on the project. And while remodeling, moving heavy items is unavoidable. So be careful with such items; the last thing you want is to break something. It will just add to the cost.

You should be mindful of your budget when looking for materials

The durability of Bathroom Materials

Many people use and abuse the facilities in a bathroom, making it a high-traffic area that is also susceptible to environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature changes. So, it is essential to pick durable materials when doing bathroom renovations. The cost of repairs and replacements could be reduced or eliminated if you use long-lasting materials.

The most long-lasting options for the bathroom include porcelain, ceramic, and natural stone. It is possible to get a lot of use out of these materials because they are resistant to weather and scratches and require little upkeep.

Maintenance of Bathroom Materials

Bathroom material selection should also take into account the frequency of necessary maintenance. Not all materials are created equal regarding how much time and work they take to clean and maintain. Regularly sealing and cleaning natural stone surfaces is necessary since it attracts stains and wear and tear.

It’s essential to consider your routine and how much effort you will put into upkeep while making material choices. You can use porcelain or ceramic tiles if you have a busy schedule and like low-maintenance materials.

If you choose the right materials for your bathroom remodel, your bathroom should look amazing

Style and Decor of Bathroom Materials

A bathroom’s layout and style may also affect your material selection. For instance, if you’re going for a modern or minimalist look, glass, metal, or acrylic could be good choices. Natural stone or wood may be better if you like a more traditional look.

Remember how the materials will complement the existing design and color palette when selecting. Some materials may not work in a smaller bathroom, so it’s essential to think about the layout and design of your space.

Popular Bathroom Remodeling Materials

It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of the many popular options for bathroom remodels. Some of the most popular choices are:

Porcelain and Ceramic Tiles

Porcelain and ceramic tiles are common replacements for tiled bathroom floors and walls. Their durability, moisture resistance, and ease of care make them perfect for wet environments like bathrooms. A wide range of sizes, colors, and designs make it easy to create a one-of-a-kind look. Nonetheless, they could be icy cold and dangerously slippery when wet.

Natural Stone

Natural stone, such as marble, granite, or travertine, can add luxury to a newly remodeled bathroom. It lasts longer and comes in various attractive natural styles that could make your bathroom more appealing. Compared to more low-maintenance tile options like porcelain or ceramic, natural stone’s high price and regular maintenance requirements make it less attractive.

Natural stone can be an excellent look for your bathroom


Glass is an excellent material for bathrooms due to its resistance to water, ease of cleaning, and modern appearance. It is used for various purposes, including shower doors, kitchen surfaces, and bathroom walls. But, it is pricey, easily damaged by scratches and chips, and requires professional installation. So consider renting storage while remodeling. Try to find a unit in your area and keep the old and new materials there. That way, they won’t get in the way until needed.


Acrylic is popular for bathroom fixtures, including tub and shower enclosures. Bathroom remodeling can be daunting, but suitable materials practically do the work for you. Because of its low weight, high durability, and low maintenance requirements, acrylic is an excellent material for bathroom flooring. Bathroom customization is easy with acrylic because it is available in various colors and designs. On the other hand, acrylic is not as sturdy and can easily be damaged by scratches or cracks.


Considering cost, durability, upkeep, and style, you can narrow your options and select the ideal materials for your bathroom remodel project. Porcelain and ceramic tiles, natural stone, glass, and acrylic are typical materials. Still, weighing each option’s pros and cons before deciding is essential. Using the right materials for your bathroom design allows you to create a space you and your family can enjoy for years.